Job Specification
Appointment of Alumni Liaison & Fundraising Officer
Duties and Responsibilities
To lead on the development of excellent relations with alumni
Working with the Rydal Penrhos Society President and the Senior Management Team to design, plan, publicise and execute an annual programme of alumni events that maximises attendance and engagement
Seek regular feedback from alumni to constantly improve the School’s alumni events and communication
Liaising with Marketing and Communications - writing and compiling copy for appropriate newsletters and developing ideas to maximise readership across all alumni demographics
Develop and maintaining the school’s online alumni social networks and driving up participation across all platforms
Maintaining and keeping up-to-date the alumni section of the School’s website
Writing press releases relating to the school’s alumni activities for use across different media
Corresponding with and managing requests and queries from alumni
Organising mailings and running mail merges with the support of the Marketing and Admissions co-ordinator to communicate with alumni
Producing an annual alumni survey to keep alumni data and records up-to-date
Maintaining the alumni database
Work closely with the Marketing and Admissions Co-ordinator to advise on marketing activities to generate revenue streams to support fundraising and maximise the School's public relations
To implement a successful fundraising plan, particularly focusing on the Donald Hughes Trust and support for the fully funded places.
Liaise with all school stakeholders on funding matters, including parents, the governing body, the Rydal Penrhos Community and the Rydal Penrhos alumni to ensure a cohesive approach to fundraising for the school
Contribute to the wider School’s organisation as required and directed by the Principal
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