Fully Funded Day Places, Scholarships and Bursaries
Did you know we offer Fully Funded Day Places, as well as scholarship premiums?
Fully Funded Day Places
Rydal Penrhos is a registered charity and one which nurtures a strong community focus.
Therefore, historically and currently as a school it has been seen as imperative that a number of fully-funded day places are offered each year to children and young people in the area who are disadvantaged.
These awards need to be applied for and are offered to children with exceptional academic talent, who are currently, state-educated in North Wales and whose family income inhibits them from being able to attend.
Art, Drama, Sport and Music scholarship premiums may also be awarded to pupils with “exceptional talent” at any point during their senior school years
This year, because of the exceptional circumstances in which we find ourselves, we are offering fully funded places in Year 7 and Year 12 (as usual) and also for young people entering Year 10 and the exam years.
As an alumni you may have friends or family who may fit these criteria, please do let them know.
Scholarship Premiums
These are awards that do NOT need to be applied for and are NOT subject to financial criteria.
At Rydal Penrhos senior school each academic year we also offer scholarship premiums to children with “exceptional talent”.
Academic scholarship premiums are open to pupils already within the school and those joining the school and are based on clear testing/results and interviews.
There is no limit to the number of these awards.
These awards are NOT means-tested and the reward is the title of scholar and also a scholarship premium of £500 each year for the pupil from the school to further their academic studies through the purchase of books etc.
A mentor will be attached to the pupil for this purpose and would meet half termly to discuss progress in that area and help the money be spent wisely and appropriately.
Art, Drama, Sport and Music scholarship premiums may also be awarded to pupils with “exceptional talent” at any point during their senior school years.
They do not require an application.
These awards are NOT means-tested and the reward is the title of scholar and also a £500 contribution each year for the pupil from the school to further their talent through the purchase of art materials, golf clubs etc.
A mentor will be attached to the pupil for this purpose and would meet half termly to discuss progress in that area and help the money be spent wisely and appropriately
If a pupil is awarded a scholarship premium for any discipline, they are then eligible to apply for a bursary (which is fees assistance) if they fit certain financial criteria.
You can find out more about all of these awards and schemes by visiting the school website: https://rydalpenrhos.com/admissions/scholarships-bursaries/ or calling the admissions department, where the process for applying can be explained.
Phone: 01492 530155
Email: admissions@rydalpenrhos.com