A message from Guy Watson
Thank you for electing me, at the AGM in November, to be your President for the year 2020/21. It is a great honour and I look forward to meeting some of you this year - COVID rules permitting.
I spent nine happy years at school, starting at the Prep School at Pwllycrochan in 1957 moving to the Senior School in 1961. Our three children, Amy, Richard and Tom also attended the school and have many happy memories of their time there.
I am delighted to welcome the new committee members who as well as being a mixture of ages have a range of interests and talents. I look forward to working with them.
As you all know we are still in very difficult and challenging times for all walks of life, including the educational sector.
I am pleased to report that the School has adapted extremely well under the diligent and forward-thinking of John Waszek, the Executive Principal and his team of dedicated and hardworking staff. We should be thankful and appreciative that John and his team have kept our school in the forefront of education in North Wales.
The current COVID rules, which may well last for many months, will curtail all face to face meetings of our members.
However, a date I can give you, COVID permitting, is Founders Weekend which will be on 18/19 September, when various events will be taking place at school, with a dinner on the Saturday evening. You will receive more details in due course. In the meantime please put the dates in your diary.
I look forward to meeting many of you over Founders’ Weekend, if not before.
This comes with my best wishes to you and all your families.
Keep well, stay safe and let us all hope that 2021 will be a better year for us all.
Guy Watson