A joint message from the Chair of Governors & Executive Principal
From the Executive Principal and Chair of Governors
Once again, we are honoured to write on behalf of the board of governors and the staff of the school in this Spring Term Society Newsletter.
We are still in the midst of a pandemic: the task of doing the best for our pupils has never been more pressing. Likewise, the value of close collaboration between the governing body and the staff cannot be under-estimated. Already we can see that this unity is paying dividends on behalf of the children and young people educated at Rydal Penrhos. The combined experience and work ethic of the entire team is raising the bar of educational achievement, whilst also preserving all of the aspects that make Rydal Penrhos such a great community and learning space for our pupils.
We are sure that you would all like to pay tribute to our current pupils: the students that are still being schooled remotely and who may very well become known as the 'Covid Generation.” The spirit of the school has shone through during this period, like the sun through dark cloud. We are sure that all of the pupils impacted will flourish and succeed, despite the difficulties of contemporary life.
Our school continues to thrive as a forward-looking, successful Day School – a 21st century, educational institution that will prepare children for the future. Within the next three years, we aspire to be universally admired as a school, both for our academic prowess and our incredible facilities and plans are in place to make this a reality.
This issue marks a new beginning. It showcases all the (very welcome!) new blood that has joined the Society. Our alumni are doing amazing things in many parts of the world, and all agree that the school provided a haven in which their talents could be encouraged and developed. We truly value you, our alumni, and are grateful for your continued support and generosity – a generosity embodied by Mr. Wildman, who has contributed to the education of our current pupils by facilitating the purchase of iPads. Many thanks are also owed to the Society for its generous donation towards the reading initiative.
And everyone here at Rydal Penrhos wants to wish the new President and Committee members well, as they drive the society onwards to new heights!
John Waszek - Executive Principal
Julian Barnes - Chair of Governors