More music-making!
Rydal Penrhos pupils with a talent for all things musical are getting back down to doing what they love under the expert guidance of staff. Development has continued encouragingly over the last two years despite the uncertainty, and things now look much more promising moving forward with concerts scheduled and many activities resuming as planned since the start of the academic year.
Among the initiatives well underway are the Senior Choir, Instrumental Ensemble and Jazz Band, which feature pupils of all ages who wish to improve their confidence and ability to perform in front of an audience.
Chamber Choir has also begun once again, with rehearsals taking place every Monday and Thursday during form time. The group performs weekly at the stunning St John’s Church and during major occasions such as the Christmas and Easter services.
There are pupils who currently meet in the music department at break times who have formed their own band, and some of the Senior Choir members sing as smaller groups as well. This all bodes well for future concerts, which have been sorely missed since Welsh Government restrictions began.
Plenty of activity is also transpiring at the Prep, with experienced conductor Alan McGuinness running the Key Stage 2 Choir and Sue Hughes in charge of the choir composed of Key Stage 1 pupils.
Pete Williams, who is Director of Music at Rydal Penrhos, has also organised a Steel Drum group as an extra-curricular activity every Friday. The second half of the Lent Term will be a memorable one, with two concerts scheduled already.
A Four Choirs Concert is scheduled for Tuesday 22 March, 7–8pm, with the annual Prep Spring Concert taking place on Wednesday 30 March, 6–7pm, in the same place.
We are over the moon that the School is now home to another community music group, alongside the Rydal Penrhos Community Choir – the Rydal Penrhos Community Wind Band.
The group's first rehearsal
Wind bands combine woodwind, brass, and percussion sections, and the band is open to players who are current pupils, alumni, parents, staff, or local musicians. There is no charge. It is led by Clive Wolfendale – local musician, former parent, and current school Governor.
Clive said, 'I sense that, within the emerging freedoms from lockdown restrictions, there is an appetite to re-engage with music-making amongst regular practitioners and those who have not picked up an instrument for some time.'
When? – The band now meets on Wednesday evenings, 7–8.30pm. The first meeting was on Wednesday 2 March.
Where? – The Music Room in the Senior site on Combermere Road, Colwyn Bay.
The band's repertoire will be highly flexible, encompassing bespoke, classical and popular arrangements, and it will therefore be possible to accommodate players of a 'Grade 3' standard (or equivalent) alongside more experienced musicians.
Clive notes: 'Whilst a balanced ensemble will be ultimately desirable (e.g. more clarinets than saxophones!) we can adapt to what we have in the short term.'
Music will be available for treble, tenor and bass clef readers.
For reference, please find below a list of wind band instruments.
If you would like to join, you can send an expression of interest to – or simply turn up on the day! ∎