Online learning provision preventing further complications
The lingering concerns surrounding the loss of learning in schoolchildren across the country due to COVID-19 continue to be at the forefront of everybody’s mind.
At Rydal Penrhos, staff have worked exceptionally hard to ensure that high educational standards are maintained from Pre-School to Sixth Form, providing each pupil with a diverse and structured timetable that enables them to develop key skills and remain undeterred from their respective goals despite so much uncertainty surrounding the current climate.
This was further highlighted in a recent study by the Institute for Fiscal Studies, who documented in a report that today’s children face losing £350 billion in lifetime earnings unless the UK’s governments invest in radical catch-up efforts when the pandemic is over.
The IFS urged those in power to consider options such as repeating a year of schooling, using large-scale tuition in summer holidays and extended hours to make up for the classroom time lost during the various lockdown measures implemented throughout the academic year.
Luke Sibieta, an IFS research fellow and author of the report, said: “The inescapable conclusion is that the lost schooling represents a gigantic long-term risk for future prosperity, the public finances, the future path of inequality and wellbeing.”
Thankfully, this isn’t the case at Rydal Penrhos. Pupils are being constantly supported by the school’s incredible teaching staff throughout their online learning, with the provision providing as much normality as possible to maintain a balanced structure and prevent any substantial loss of critical learning.
Not only this, Rydal Penrhos has put together some wellbeing sessions at the end of each day, keeping parents informed of any COVID-19 related matters through in-school communications or social media, in addition to highlighting important messages via Reverend Nick Sissons’ virtual Chapels and Assemblies every week.
None of this compensates for being around your friends or face-to-face learning, but this comprehensive programme gives pupils the best possible opportunity to hit the ground running when the time comes to return to some semblance of normality when restrictions are lifted.